Captive clouds, home grown mist, the family fog — no matter what you call it, the condensation that would accumulate in double pane windows was the bane of many homeowner’s existence. Fogging problems with double pane windows were chronic for a long time, discouraging many homeowners from exploring home replacement windows.
However, the situation has changed.
The truth is this: home replacement window technology and construction in the early eighties — nearly three decades ago, at this point — was not nearly as advanced as it is now. There were certain problems that needed addressing, namely faulty glass seals. Faulty seals allowed moisture to penetrate into the space between the pair of window panes. With changes in temperature, condensation resulted, referred to by many homeowners as ‘fogging’.
The Situation Now
Innovations and the development of new window materials helped manufacturers improve the situation. Particular attention has been paid to the problematic seal area. As a result, window seals are far stronger and durable than ever before. The points where air and moisture could leak between the panes of glass have been eliminated.
This means no more fogging. Manufacturers now commonly offer a lifetime warranty on their double pane windows now, testament to their confidence that they’ve solved the condensation problem.
In addition to the enhanced window seals, modern vinyl home replacement windows, as well as their fiberglass and better built wood counterparts, feature sealed insulated pockets between the panes of glass filled with inert gas. This cuts down on the fogging issue as well as improving the energy efficiency of the home.
Some homeowners have been leery of triple pane glass windows for fear of fogging — after all, with two insulating pockets, the potential for fogging is doubled! However, triple pane windows feature some of the best seals in the marketplace today. At the same time, adding another pane of glass to the equation helps improve the energy efficiency of the window and as a result the home as a whole.
Your options
If you bought a home that has existing older double pane windows, you may be familiar with the fogging problems described here. What are your options?
There are services that claim to be able to defog older double pane windows. They drill holes into your windows and introduce a valve to control the moisture contained between the panes of glass. At this point, your window, which was already experiencing problems due to a faulty seal, is now further compromised. Remember: any point that moisture can escape from your window is also a penetration point where moisture can enter. Energy efficiency is diminished.
Repair of older double hung windows is possible, but expensive. The more cost-effective option is often full window replacement. This offers two clear advantages: you’re eliminating the fogging issue affiliated with the older, double pane windows. Secondly, upgrading to a newer double pane or even triple pane window offers you the best of modern innovation and technology. Enhanced energy efficiency, impact resistance, and even sound buffering can add real value to your home, while eliminating the fog!
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