It’s well known that replacement windows can help increase a home’s energy efficiency, especially when high quality vinyl replacement windows or
Put Hay Fever on Hiatus: Home Replacement Windows & Allergies
Approximately 50 million Americans suffer from allergies. Every spring, they suffer from the red eyes, running nose, pounding headache, sneezing and
The Health Benefits of Replacement Windows
There are many reasons that homeowners consider installing home replacement windows. Home replacement windows offer owners enhanced energy efficiency,
Home Replacement Windows One of Top Five Home Improvements
Every year, homeowners all across the nation take out loans to improve their homes. They renovate and replace, upgrade and update for a number of
Choosing Home Replacement Windows: Some Historical Considerations
"If I had lovely prairie style windows like you have in your house," Kellie, a recent commenter on a popular home blog wrote, "I might consider
Are Vinyl Replacement Windows Durable?
Vinyl replacement windows are one of the most popular home upgrades going. However, there’s a lot of misinformation about vinyl replacement windows on