Having replacement windows installed is a large investment. Most homeowners want to protect that investment, and that’s why it is imperative to know how to take care of your replacement windows. You see, every different type of replacement window has its own set of maintenance requirements. Some require a lot of care — annual painting and sanding, not to mention laborious, expensive repairs if something’s damaged — and others barely any at all — simply hose the frames off now and again, to clear away any accumulated grime or debris.
There are homeowners who enjoy spending their free time and weekends tinkering around the house. To them, the thought of carefully sanding down the exterior window sill, and then even more carefully repainting the wood — all while balanced on a ladder some twenty feet above the ground — sounds like a lot of fun!
Other homeowners have a different idea of fun. They want to use their spare time hanging out with the family, seeing their friends, doing good work in the community or just kicking back. For them, the easy maintenance routine of vinyl replacement windows may be ideal! There’s no scraping or sanding, never any painting. Vinyl replacement windows, particularly those from Alside, are the same color throughout — a nick, ding, or random bit of weather damage will not show. This eliminates the need to do inconvient, expensive repairs.
Finally, keeping windows clean is a big part of replacement window maintenance. Vinyl replacement windows that feature tilt-in cleaning mean you never have to get out the ladder again. You can keep your windows sparkling clean while standing safely on the floor!
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