Home replacement windows can make home a more comfortable, inviting place. This is true for all types of home replacement windows: vinyl home replacement windows, fiberglass home replacement windows and wood replacement windows. It’s also true for all family members, particularly the smallest: infants, toddlers, and children.
How Home Replacement Windows Benefit Children
Reduce Air Penetration Because home replacement windows feature double or triple pane glass, insulating gas pockets, insulated frames and high quality construction, they dramatically reduce air penetration. This keeps cold breezes outside, where they belong.
This is important, because when cold air enters your home, it sinks. The coldest location in any home is near the floor — which is also where children are. Children crawl, play and hang out in the lowest levels of the home. You want to this area to be warm and comfortable.
Minimize allergen exposure Environmental allergies and asthma are common childhood problems. Additionally, increasing numbers of children are being diagnosed with multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), a condition in which exposure to common, everyday materials can trigger extreme, severe reactions.
Installing vinyl home replacement windows, as well as fiberglass home replacement winodws or wood home replacement windows, can help minimize children’s exposure to triggering substances. Strengthening the integrity of the building envelope allows parents to better regulate interior air quality That means everyone can breathe easy. Additionally, because home replacement windows reduce moisture penetration as well as air intrusion, the growth of mold –one of the most common allergens — can be inhibited.
Increase Natural Sunlight Studies have shown that children thrive when exposed to natural sunlight. Home replacement windows — vinyl replacement windows, fiberglass replacement windows, or wood replacement windows — offer superior energy efficiency, allowing homeowners to throw open the drapes and let the sunshine in. This exposes children to natural light’s healing qualities, as well as allowing them to observe the great outdoors — or at least as much of the great outdoors that can be found within the confines of our backyards!
Safety and Security As much as we like to avoid thinking about it, the truth is that we live in a violent society. Home invasions, robberies, and perhaps worst of all, child abductions, are all real threats.
Prudent parents know that they have to act proactively to protect their children. Home replacement windows can play a pivotal role in enhancing home security.
Too often, flimsy and poorly installed windows serve as a vulnerable point to be exploited by nefarious types up to no good. The rigid frames, secure locking mechanisms, multiple panes of glass, and quality construction of home replacement windows makes forcing entry more difficult Criminals are often creatures of opportunity: when presented with a slow, challenging route, they’ll often abandon the home in search of easier pickings.
Small children aren’t the most careful creatures in teh world. The rigid frames and secure locking systems that do such an effective job keeping intruders out can also play a pivotal role keeping children in This is particularly crucial in multi-story buildings and high traffic areas.
By reducing air penetration, minimize allergen exposure, and increasing the amount of sunlight children are exposed to, home replacement windows can positively impact children’s health. Additionally, security concerns can be addressed with home replacement windows, which makes parents happy and children secure.
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