Marlene thought home replacement window shopping was going to be a quick errand. She stopped by the home replacement window shop while en route to another appointment, thinking that she could simply place an order and go on.
Instead, she found herself answering a bunch of questions from the local home replacement window dealer.
“What’s the weather like at your home? Are you right on the water?” Some of the questions seemed a little more on the personal side. “Is maintenance an issue? How are you cleaning your second story windows now?”
Marlene is not a patient woman, and these questions were taking time. “Just send the best ones,” she said, waving her hand.
Her home replacement window specialist smiled. “It’s not that easy,” he said.
“Sure it is,” Marlene replied. “The best is the best.”
That’s not necessarily so. Home replacement windows are actually a very individualized product. What’s best for one family may be far from ideal for another.
That’s why home replacement window specialists ask so many questions. They’re not trying to pry into your personal life nor be nosy. Asking questions is not an effort by a lonely window dealer to fill an empty afternoon — honest!
Instead, the answers to some common questions can help the home replacement window specialist determine what window is, in fact, best for your home. Not all home replacement windows work equally well in all applications. Here’s the reasoning behind some of the more common questions a home replacement window specialist might ask:
What’s the weather like at your place?
This isn’t just small talk. Variations in environmental conditions can make a huge difference in home replacement window selection. A home that faces the whipping winds and salty spray of the Atlantic Ocean experiences markedly different conditions than a home located in a sheltered side street.
Your home replacement window specialist has the knowledge to help you select the best home replacement windows for your home — but they first need to know what they’re up against!
How concerned are you about window maintenance?
Believe it or not, there are some people who love washing windows. Perching precariously on a fourteen foot later with some paper towels and a spray bottle is their idea of heaven. They also love the annual or semi-annual painting of window frames.
On the off chance that you’re not one of these people, your home replacement specialist can recommend home replacement windows that make maintenance infinitely easier. Tilt in windows for cleaning eliminate the need to perch on a ladder. Vinyl home replacement windows never need painting, crossing one chore off of your to-do list — forever!
What type of windows do you have now?
There are a number of reasons that you’ll be asked this question. First, there’s the issue of a stylistic match. Most homeowners want windows that are similar in appearance to what they already have in place, or to upgrade from that point.
Secondly, knowing what type of windows you currently have tells the home replacement window specialist the scale of the job they’re looking at. If you tell them you’ve got the windows that came with the house when it was built three years ago, they know they’re looking at low-quality, flimsy original construction windows that feature narrower sills. On the other hand, if you’re taking the windows that have been in your 1850’s colonial home since your grandparents were children, there’s a good chance that there may be wear and exposure damage that requires repair.
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