Cold season is here, and we’re not talking about the dropping temperatures. Judging from the number of flyers in these parts for flu shots and public service announcements about hand washing we’re seeing, cold and cough season is here in earnest. People are worried about getting sick.
What can replacement windows do to keep you healthy?
Eliminating Drafts
While it’s an old wife’s tale that cold drafts can make you sick — modern medicine has completely dispelled the notion of night air — it is true that for optimum health, you want to stay warm and do everything possible to maintain a steady body temperature.
Your normal body temperature can drop after prolonged exposure to cold drafts. This is particularly problematic if you’re elderly, a child, or have a compromised immune system.
Replacement windows, especially those installed in place of older, leaky single pane windows, are well built and designed to eliminate drafts. By cutting out air penetration, modern replacement windows, particularly those featuring triple pane glass and insulating gas pockets, can make those chilly interior breezes no more than a memory.
Conserve Heat
Replacement windows help homeowners save considerable amounts of money on home heating bills. This is particularly critical now, as fuel prices are starting to skyrocket just as the heating season begins in earnest. Some homeowners are running their heat less often, while others are keeping their thermostats set to a cooler setting.
Either way, when heat is scare, you want to make the most of the heat you have. Replacement windows are designed to keep warm air in with you, meaning you have to run your furnace less often. You’ll feel warmer, longer, which not only contributes to an overall feeling of wellness but encourages greater activity levels.
Cold individuals tend to ‘cocoon’, huddling on the couch or in bed. When you’re warm, it’s easier to get up and moving — and physicians all agree that physical activity is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.
Improve Your Diet
If you’re not spending all your money on heating your home because your replacement windows help you conserve valuable heating energy, you’ll have more financial resources available that you otherwise would have spent on fuel.
One of the ways you can use this money is to buy food right in nutrients. Fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly those rich in Vitamin C, can do a great deal to boost your immune system and help you fend off whatever bug is floating around your neighborhood.
Staying Healthy
Cold and flu season is rough, no matter where you are. However, there are certain precautions everyone can take: regular handwashing and avoiding crowds of sick people are obviously good ideas.
However, some of the ways you can stay healthy aren’t as obvious. Creating a healthy home is an ongoing process, in which replacement windows can play a critical role. By acting as a protective barrier against pollen, dander, and chemical irritants during spring and summer’s allergy season and blocking drafts and retaining critical warmth during winter’s coldest days, replacement windows can help keep your family healthy!
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