In this entry, we’re going to take an up close and personal look at thermal windows. What exactly are thermal windows? Why are thermal windows considered an absolute necessity by so many homeowners? Do you need thermal windows in your home?
What are thermal windows? The first question is the simplest. Thermal windows are different from traditional windows in one important fashion. While traditional windows feature a single pane of glass, thermal windows feature two or three panes of glass.
The multiple panes of glass in thermal windows trap air. This provides a layer of added insulation to the home. In some thermal windows, the space between the panes of glass is filled with non-reactive gasses to provide better insulation.
Why do so many homeowners demand thermal windows for their home? There are a number of reasons why thermal windows are considered so important, the most important of which is energy efficiency.
Windows are a primary source of heat loss in most homes. Industry estimates tell us that as much as 40% of a home’s energy can be lost through windows and doors. Energy is expensive. Installing thermal windows minimizes energy loss. Conserving energy this way means that you use less — and pay for less. Thermal windows can save a homeowner big bucks.
Additionally, thermal windows can make a home more comfortable. Losing heat not only costs the homeowner money, it saps warmth from your living areas. Drafts and chilly areas can be most uncomfortable, particularly for children — they’re closer to the floor. Cold air is heavier and tends to sink right to their level. Elderly people also tend to feel the cold more. Thermal windows can help ensure the comfort of your youngest and oldest loved ones.
Thermal windows add real value to your home. If you’re considering selling a home, you should know that one thing that savvy buyers look for is thermal windows. They know the benefits thermal windows offer, and prefer to buy homes that already have thermal windows in place.
Thermal windows, especially modern home replacement windows, are often quite attractive. Vinyl and fiberglass home replacement windows can improve the appearance of your home, which also increases your home’s value.
Do you need thermal windows in your home? This is a question that only you can answer, but we’ll try to help you figure it out. First, look at your existing windows. Are they leaky, inefficient, single-pane windows? If so, you have to consider how much it costs you to keep these windows in place. What would your energy bill look like if 40% of your energy wasn’t being wasted?
The idea of savings due to the energy efficiency thermal windows offer is attractive to many homeowners. Others like the environmental benefits thermal windows provide: by saving energy, you’re using less of the planet’s limited resources to heat and cool your home.
Another factor to consider is if you’re planning to sell your home, either now or at any point in the future. If the answer’s yes, it’s good to remember that potential buyers will want thermal windows.
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